Crane Outrigger Accident Lawsuit

CRANE outrigger accident lawsuit Willis Law Firm

Crane outrigger accidents in Texas and elsewhere in the USA, occur at an alarming rate.  Houston, Texas has been the site of many mobile and tower crane accidents over the last ten years. Many mobile crane accident accidents can be blamed on the improper or negligent use of the outriggers, outrigger pads or mats, cribbing, overloads or other unstable or inadequate supporting equipment.

Crane outrigger accidents in Houston Willis Law Firm

Crane outriggers located on mobile or truck cranes be operated either hydraulically or manually. Outriggers are designed to keep the crane stable during the lift and are mounted onto outrigger pads or mats to safely distribute the load over a larger area of the ground or materials under the crane. The pads need to be of sufficient size and strength to not collapse, shear, or crush under the load and be non-conductive as well.

Load calculators for cranes are usually calculated with the outrigger fully extended, level ground, and no wind. Partial extension of outriggers or fully extended on one side and just partially extended on the other can be an invitation for a crane to collapse or tip over. Load lift calculations or load charts on newer crane sometimes allow for partial extensions, but the bottom line, the crane operator must know the capacities of the crane, levelness of the ground, water saturation in the soil, weight of the load ropes being used, and all other outside influences before the lift have begun.

Partial outrigger extensions usage occurs often in urban areas along roadways, lakes or in tight construction sites where the full extension is not possible. In these situations, only cranes designed for partial extensions should be used. Anytime a crane operator exceeds the load limits or ignores the lifting charts, and a crane outrigger accident occurs, then that crane operator is usually negligent and should be held accountable for all injuries, losses, and damages from these negligent acts.

Crane outrigger accidents in Texas Willis Law Firm

There are many types of catastrophic injuries and deaths that can occur due to improper use of outriggers. Many workers through the years have been crushed by the outrigger itself, hit by falling loads or even drowned when the crane falls into a river or lake. Crane tip-overs due to outrigger accidents happen too often and operators must be better trained. Outriggers when used as designed and within its limits work flawlessly, but when the load limits are exceeded and the outriggers and pads aren’t properly set up, then disasters can and will happen.

Outrigger pads must not be located over underground tanks, voids, marshes, muddy grounds, or openings in-ground or on top of known utilities. The soil or ground under the outrigger pads must be stable. Under OSHA Standard 1402, adequate ground conditions are the responsibility of the “controlling entity” which is usually the crane contractor.

When an outrigger accident occurs, and the crane tips over or collapses, anyone in the area may become a victim of being crushed by the crane itself, electrocuted, injured, or killed by the falling load.

Crane Outrigger Accident Lawyer

If outrigger accident occurs, please call and talk to a crane accident lawyer that understands the dangers of cranes and usage of outriggers. Willis is a Board-Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer certified since 1988. No attorneys’ fees or cases ever owed unless we recover for you.

Due to the nature of where most crane accidents occur, it is particularly important that you get a knowledgeable attorney to protect your legal rights. A thorough post-accident investigation is crucial for success. Don’t Wait.

Call Toll Free 1-800-883-9858 and Talk to a Lawyer Today